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Our Stories And Testimonies

I am so beyond grateful for finding LEXFX because it has allowed me to have a space where I can truly perfect my craft. I have spent the last 4 years traveling to clients' homes and working with such small spaces and inadequate lighting with my small box lights. My work hasn't always been the best in those circumstances because I had to work with what I had. Not to mention lugging around all of my props every shoot from my 3rd story apartment.. Alex is so generous to allow us to use everything she has invested in, in order to help us become better artists! The lights, backdrops, etc. are beyond expensive and would take me years to acquire myself. I am also so excited to be connected with such a talented and empowering group of women and how we all help and encourage each other's business and growth! The studio atmosphere is so quiet and peaceful and really allows me to focus on producing great photos. Thank you again for this opportunity!!! I'm excited to see where we go from here.

Before I found LEXFX studios, I was looking everywhere high and low for a space I could be comfortable in and call my own. For the time being I was renting out spaces on peerspace and things like that until I saw an article about a young lady who houses other WOMEN photographers and it was like God answered my prayers. I did a tour of the space and met Alex and instantly I fell in love. Since I have been in the studio these past 3 months, I have not only learned so much from the ladies around me/are in the studios far as tips and advice but I have also gained so much confidence within myself as a photographer. I had a vision and Alex helped me with a stable and solid foundation to reach for the stars and to follow my dreams.

I am glad to have a part in experiencing this studio space. Not only is Alex and everything she stands for in the honor of women a huge plus for me. But the professionalism, the team, the energy, the actual studio space is top tier. Having access to professional backdrops, lighting, equipment, etc has been exciting. A space where women can be safe, be them, and be proud. I've literally felt like family since meeting you Alex and I cannot thank you enough for your enthusiasm to have me, warmth, and kind energy. That alone is what told me this studio space was home! I wanted to get this space to motivate me and keep me pushing. I am so excited to bring my work to life here!

Being a part of the team at LEXFX Studios has made it possible for a multitude of opportunities to become available. It has given me the capability to actively use the skills and knowledge I have just acquired after recently graduating, providing a location where my passion can continue to thrive and grow. The studio space permits adequate working space to not only advance the art that I produce but also my photography business as a whole. It allows me to have a neutral location for my clientele that is centered within the Twin Cities Metro Area with easy access as well as directions. Not only has the studio strengthened my business, it has also given me the opportunity to work, learn, and grow with such an empowering group of young women. Having such a beautiful expanse of space has made and continues to make a substantial difference within my business, myself, and my fellow teammates.


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